14 февр. 2010 г.

Do I need VPN?


You need VPN if:
You value your computer's safety and don't want your provider to know what are you doing around the Internet.
You want to stay anonymous by hiding your real IP-address.
You connect network using proxy server, but necessary address does not work using proxy server.
You need access to the resources having limits depending on the IP-address.

VPN. Anonymous proxy. Hide ip service. OpenVPN / DoubleVPN / PPtP service.


VPN. Anonymous proxy. Hide ip service. OpenVPN / DoubleVPN / PPtP service.

Anonymous surfing
Using our service you'll be fully anonymous in the Internet. Hide your IP address, and nobody will know that strange visitor from Germany ( Great Britain, Estonia and so ), is you.

Traffic protection
Don't worry, from this moment all you data will be protected using 256 bit Blowfish encryption algorithm. Nobody can access your internet data.

Full access to network
You can use any services, access any sites and use any software with us. BitTorrent, Skype, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Pocker .. we have no restrictions.

Choose easy-to-use payment method
You can pay using credit card ( like Visa or MasterCard), or using one of cybercas systems (LibertyReserve, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, RBK Money, WebCreds and other ) or pay using SMS.